Israel and Gaza: Stop the Violence Now!

“Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.” — Mahatma Gandhi, ‘Satyagraha Leaflet No. 13,’ May 3, 1919

As hopes of peace ring through the world in preparation for a New Year, Israel is massing tanks on the border of Gaza. For three days, the Israeli military has been launching bombing raids, one of which killed three sisters in the middle of the night while they were sleeping. The large-scale military campaign comes in response to rockets fired from militants in Gaza who have also slain innocents on the other side of the highly securitized border.

Both sides are renewing calls for bloodshed as age-old arguments resurface. “Hamas the terrorists not recognizing Israel’s right to exist” and “Israel the bully” not accepting its own responsibility of closing off Gaza like a prison. Any way you look at it, this is a far-reaching humanitarian crisis for Palestinian and Israeli alike.

Now known as the “hundred year headache,” Israelis and Palestinians have been trying to prove to each other that they can survive never ending violence, an eternal occupation, and a perpetual cycle of denial, denial that is that the two must mutually exist.

Israel, with one of the strongest militaries in the world, can definitely continue to bombard Palestinians. For their part, Palestinians have shown they are formidable opponents. Nevertheless, anyone can see that an end to this conflict is past due.

Israel knows this. That is why it made the decision to ‘technically’ withdraw from the territory of Gaza in 2005. This unilateral withdrawal was on Israeli terms and conditions. No Palestinian participation necessary. Borders – including sea access, airspace, and external movement of people, goods, and services are all controlled by Israel. The Palestinians did not see this as peace, but a one-way ticket to a controlled detention center.

The agreement as it is has produced an extraordinary humanitarian emergency for the people in Gaza. Eighty percent of the population’s livelihood comes from United Nations assistance programs if and when the UN can deliver. To negotiate better conditions, Hamas agreed to a truce with Israel, but little changed. Talks broke down and rockets fired.

The solution for both is a return to war. A resolution that brings both parties full circle – directly back to suffering.

Wars are unimaginably difficult to end. If they were not, the US would be out of Iraq, Afghanistan would be on its way to development, and the Israelis and Palestinians would be living without bombarding the other side by side.

Unfortunately for all concerned the battle continues. Guns are poised and people are dead. Thus far, the only solutions have been sticks, sticks and sticks.

The region, and the world, needs new answers and a courageous leadership to get there. Ideas must be discovered to think beyond war.

The trauma and devastation of war is incalculable. The Center for Survivors of Torture and War Trauma tells us about post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): “in many cases, traumatic incidents … leave lasting symptoms of paralyzing anxiety, grief, and hopelessness, as well as flashbacks, night terrors, and intrusive memories. These extremely debilitating and disempowering symptoms often impede survivors’ ability to properly manage their life.” Other studies show an increase in heart disease, cancer and family violence.

Israel and Palestinians surely suffer from PTSD due to all these years at war. One report authored by Yael Benyamini from Tel Aviv University states specifically tells us that, “Israeli veterans with PTSD…were twice as likely to have high blood pressure, ulcers and diabetes and five times as likely to have heart disease and headaches.” Another from Queen’s University in Canada echoes the risk, this time for children, “a child [in Gaza] who has witnessed friends injured or killed has 13 times the risk of PTSD” Gaza’s population is comprised of 47% children, 98% of them have war trauma. Imagining these people’s daily struggle is too difficult for words.

All in all, these populations do not need more war. It is only making matters worse. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.” The challenge then becomes ones ability to create peace. Only then, can the evil be temporary and the good everlasting.

Posted on Huffington Post.

1 thought on “Israel and Gaza: Stop the Violence Now!”

  1. Do you really think this a “war” where both parties are equaly responsible? Would Israel have any interest in “attacking” another country or people if it weren’t provoked and it’s citizens weren’t put in harm’s way. What is Israel to do. It’s citizens have been attacked with rockets by a terrorist organization (Hamas) that broke a cease-fire. Of course Israel had to create one of the strongest militaries (only by requiring every man and woman to serve) just in order to surive. It’s sounded by 20 some odd countries with over 300 million peole that predominately hate Jews, Israel, democracy, and everything it stands for. What would YOU do going forward if you were Israel’s president (or is it prime-minister, always get that confused)?

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